I saw the sky was red, I thought it was the sun, so I took my clothes outside, I wanted to put them under the sun, then I ate my breakfast, my husband found the wind was strong, he advised me to take my clothes inside, I didn't have enough time to do that, so my husband helped me at last!
I went to the train station to take the train to school at 8:25, my husband sent me out the door, then we saw the car parked in front of the house was covered in dust, then we thought it may be a dust storm, I hurried up to school, we didn't talk about it much.
On the way to the school, I used a handkerchief to cover my nose, then I remembered my sister-in-law helped me closed my room's window the night before, so my room didn't get dirty, but my brother-in-law wasn't as lucky as me, he forgot to close his room's window.
Someone said there will be another dust storm in few days. people said the dust storm brew from Melbourne. I didn't try to find some news about it! I am so lazy! ^_^!
I remember the kekyboard inside the cabinet in the upstairs classroom was covered in red! Same with the desks in the language lab! Someone must have left the windows open...