I do not like people smoking. First it's bad for people's health, not only the smoker but also the others. Secondly cigarette butts may start a fire. Then it costs lots of money and so on.
I am worried about my husband. He is a smoker. I think he just started smoking one year ago, so he hasn't smoked for a very long time, which means he hasn't done a lot of damage to his lungs yet. I try my best to advice him to give up and help him in some ways. But I am failure.
I think friends and anyone reading this post may give me some advice. HELP ME! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
(It's just my opinion, I don't despise smokers!)
HI jin,this is keya.I read your blog and your blogpage is very nice.I also hate smoking but it my bad luck my husband like smoking.