My name is Chen Jin Gui. Chen is my family name, Jin Gui is my first name. My grandfather named me Jin Gui when I was born . Jin means gold, Gui means a kind of tree. When I studied in high school I learnt that Jin Gui also means one kind of flower. You can see it on the left. It is also known as Sweet Olive, Tea Olive and Fragrant Olive. In Chinese we write it like this:基本资料 【植物名称】桂花树
【中文别名】木樨、月桂、金桂、 岩桂、九里香
【英文名称】Osmanthus fragrans
【英文昵称】Sweet Olive
【拉丁名称】Flos Osmanthi Fragrantis
【拉丁学名】Osmamthus fragrans
My English name is Jin. One day I looked it up in GOOGLE, then I found it means manito. I was very surprised.
That is a beautiful flower. I had never heard the name manito. I was surprised too!