MAYA has been in Australia between three and a half and four years. She has three children. She comes from RUSSIA, English is not her first language, and she spoke Russian in her country. She studied EFS (ENgish for Further Study) here 2 years ago. She learnt more English here than in her country, because she listened to ABC radio national (which is more clear for her to understand) and read a lot. She was lucky when she finished her English study, her teacher helped her get a chance to practice in a TAFE library, and she worked there 9 months for free. Then she got a real job in the library.
In Russia she studied librarianship, but she worked in marketing. Then she migrated to Cyprus first, Australia eventually. She enjoys her job in the library and is also happy with her salary. She works full time, she doesn’t need to work on Saturday, but she needs to work at 1:00pm-8:00pm once a week. She can learn new things every day. She hopes her work is useful for the students and the teachers. Every time she makes sure she understands what the student asks, if there is a complaint, she will found out “why isn’t the student happy?” and “how did it happen?”
She didn’t take an interview for her job, but she also gave us many valuable advices: 1.Open our mind to find any suitable chance to get training, don’t just stay in the old seat. 2. Think clearly about what we need 3. Read the job description. 4. Borrow some interview books and videos from a library.
To finsih, she told us she plans to get a master in education in the future, but she thinks it is very hard because of her full time job, but she will try.
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